A few days ago, I resigned from my post as Republican Committee Woman in order to tell you why I, as a Moderate Republican, will not be voting for our newly nominated Republican candidate and the one thing you need to know if you are considering it.
For most Republicans, it boils down to the pro-life issue. Maybe you’ve felt the same way.
One of the most common sentiments I’ve heard from fellow disgruntled Republicans is, “I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don’t want to vote for either of them. I won’t vote for Hillary because she’s a crook and will choose a very pro-choice liberal Supreme Court Justice. At least with Trump, he’s pro-life and will choose a pro-life Supreme Court Justice.”
And this, I’ve found is the main reason that good, intelligent people are holding their noses and voting for Trump. The problem is, is he really pro-life? I’d say no and I’ll explain more fully in a moment.
My definition of pro-life is problematic because I believe that it means to encompass the entirety of life, not just the short unborn portion. And Trump has shown himself to have a high disregard for non-white, non-male lives. If you can’t think of any examples off the top of your head, I’ll be happy to supply a few (and in his own words too!):
- He belittles and degrades women.
- He promotes violence to silence dissension and makes personal attacks when questioned or criticized.
- And most especially, he is blatantly racist.
But here’s the thing. Even if your definition of pro-life is defined as protecting the life of the unborn, you only have a 50% chance that Trump will live up to his word.
So why would I say he cannot be counted on to be pro-life by either definition?
Because Donald J. Trump has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). For at least a year now, psychologists have been warning people that Trump is a textbook case and to beware (NPD is very different from simply having narcissistic tendencies). However, they have not done a very good job of telling people why it’s the most important factor in deciding whether or not he is a viable candidate for our country’s highest office: decisions made by someone with NPD cannot be trusted.
If you are unfamiliar with what this particular personality disorder, please do your fellow Americans a favor and educate yourself by clicking here to learn about NPD. That is not a suggestion–click on it.
If you’ve ever lived with someone who has NPD, as I have, I would not need to tell you any of this. You would already know by the first time you heard Trump speak or by watching his children speak about him, that he has NPD. However, if you are like most people, you’ve not experienced this before (lucky you). NPD rules almost every aspect of the person who has it. Here is what a man with NPD will look like in office.
Emotions control the logic of a person with a personality disorder. People continually question Trump’s logic, but that’s because his decisions are made on his emotions at that moment, not logic. “In the study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, a team of German researchers used modern brain scanning technology to examine the brain structure of 34 volunteers…the authors of the study linked the presence of narcissism to increased activity in another part of the cerebral cortex that helps control impulsive behavior. This activity increase diminishes impulse control, and thereby increases the likelihood of poor decision-making in affected individuals.”–(see above link)
No, he is not just making bombastic statements to gain attention. Many of Trump’s loudest followers are people who love his quality of “saying what he thinks” and his screw-the-man persona. Unfortunately, this is no act. He really has little regard for others because he has little to no empathy. (see link on previous point)
He will change his mind and reverse his stances–over and over and over. This is one of the most terrifying aspects of this personality disorder. What’s worse is, we’ve already seen this happen on the campaign trail, but people forget because he’s so passionate about his current decision in the moment. And that’s the thing, a person with NPD believes exactly what he says at that very moment, but it may change in a week or a day or a month. And how does Trump get away with it? Attacking the person who points out the inconsistencies.
He does not have the ability to take counsel. How many times when people asked Trump from whom does he seek advice, did he say himself? And it seems pretty easy to see that Trump felt forced by the Republican Party Salvagers into choosing Mike Pence as his running mate. Did you see his lackluster RNC speech for Pence? People have the idea that Pence somehow make all of the rough edges of Trump okay because deep down they believe that a man who was so successful in business will make a great leader. In the business world, self-promotion for self-serving reasons is a must. However, the president is supposed to make decisions that may be self-sacrificing for the greater good. As a person experienced with NPD, I know that will not happen–no matter who your VP is. That brings me to my next point.
He will do what is in his own self-interest before anyone else’s. He claims to speak for America and fancies himself our champion, but what has he done for anyone besides himself? You can’t go by what he says, so let’s look at what he’s done for others where he’s received no personal benefit. Hmm…that was quick.
Look at who Trump idolizes to know what he wants America to become. In the past, he’s publicly praised and admired both Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jung Un. If you want to know more about Putin (whom I’ve followed politically since I was a teenager) I recommend an informative book called, “The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin” by Steven Lee Meyers. The title is pretty self-explanatory as to why Trump idolizes him. And the relationship with Putin is already getting scary. Russia has already taken responsibility for leaking the DNC e-mails. And then there’s the money. ” ‘Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,’ ” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008…” (WP)
So what is a person who loves their country and is aware of all of this supposed to do?
Inform people and suggest a more sane option.
Although my solution is not perfect, and if I am going by my “whole life, pro-life” definition, the most pro-life candidate (looking at all policies), is Gary Johnson. I am in no way a Libertarian, and generally detest many Libertarian stances, especially when someone quotes Ayn Rand’s “objectivism,” as a legitimate social/economic strategy *eye roll.* However, Johnson and Weld were both Republican Governors and still retain many of their more Republican stances. (Ideally, I’d rather see Weld as the Presidential candidate). And the cool thing is, this time around, the third party candidate has a shot at the presidency. But there you have it.
“Vote your conscience…”–Ted Cruz (Lol)
I’m certainly not voting for Trump, but this betterforamerica organization is asking us to donate money to a candidate without knowing a single thing about the candidate or his or her positions. That’s just lunacy.
if nothing like ‘trump is not enough to win you over what will. contact free the delegates or conservative review and do your research.
I’m with you on the Johnson/Weld ticket. I also wish Weld was on top. Oh well.
While I completely agree with this diagnostic probability and the sentiment here, it should be noted that under the “Goldwater Rule,” the American Psychiatric Association’s ethics criteria prohibits the offering of professional diagnostics for public figures they have not personally examined. Thus, it is good to take caution around said “psychologists.” I have been feeling the Bern for a while, but really like the Johnson/Weld duo as an alternative to Clinton and Drumph 🙂
I appreciate your post. It is very informative and we’ll written. I am passing it along to a young woman I believe is in a relationship with someone who fits about 90% of the descriptions listed here. However, I have to disagree that Gary Johnson is not the best qualified candidate. Of the third party candidates Darrell Castle of the Constitutional Party is pro-life and an avid scholar of the Constitution. Gary Johnson may be more well know because he was the Governor of New Mexico, but Darrell Castle is a defender of the Constitution and liberty. You are welcome to look him up.
Hi Tonja, it’s funny that you should mention him. I am well aware of who he is, but I’m also factoring in the ability of the candidate to have the possibility of making a difference in this election. You’re right that he seems to be a great guy though.
A great guy after everything you read above? Jeeze get a better take on people
I was raised by a stepfather who is a clear case of NPD. Two of three of his bio kids no longer speak to him, nor do I. Everything you write about that disorder is dead on. The funny thing is my brother and I joke about how much Trump reminds us of him. And of course, my stepdad idolizes Trump. Nothing people with NPD do is ever about anything other than themselves. Having a president with NPD is my idea of a living nightmare.
I keep hearing people saying a vote for a third-party candidate is like voting for Hillary.
It absolutely is. Do not listen to this idiot.
It’s not true. A vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson. A vote for Clinton is a vote for Clinton. A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. If no Libertarian was running, I would not vote for Clinton or Trump, therefore my vote is not “taken” from Trump. Polls show that Johnson is getting just as much approval from people who would otherwise vote Democrat as he is from people who would otherwise vote Republican. People often blame Perot for “helping” Bill Clinton beat George HW Bush in 1992. In Kansas, Perot got 26% but Bush still beat Clinton 38% to 33%, taking all 6 Kansas electoral votes. Your state might have been different but the fact is that all states considered, Perot did not cause Bush to lose. Look it up.
“The Libertarian presidential ticket is an unacceptable choice for pro-life voters. Gary Johnson says he’s pro-choice with limited exceptions, and Weld is for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.
“There is no right to liberty without first securing the right to life. As Ron Paul said, ‘if you’re going to protect liberty, you have to protect the life of the unborn just as well.'”
Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List
Why do you say this? What’s your evidence? Until this week, Trump was well behind, so a vote for Trump was a vote for Hillary. Why should we plan our votes based on polls? Hillary will get a convention bump. Frankly, your statements assumes that I would otherwise vote for Trump. Never. Ever. would I vote for Trump. Too many similarities to Mussolini (read your history). Too little regard for the law (see his praise of Saddam Hussein – not that he praised him, but why). Too little understanding of history and international relations (nukes on the Korean peninsula?! Is he INSANE?).
No, a vote is a citizens right to exercise how he or she sees fit. For me, it’s not Trump under ANY circumstance. I may not be jumping for Gary Johnson, but he would probably do less damage in 4 years than either of the main candidates.
Not true. I was a Bernie supporter but switched to Hillary when he dropped. I am now strongly consider supporting Gary Johnson instead.
there is a very real chance that the general election may not produce a winner, in which case teh top three candidates are put before the HOUSE in a run off. lets get behind a good solid third funner and let the chips fly
Pro-life. Pro-Constitution. Pro-religious freedom. Pro-Israel.
Pro Religious Freedom for Christians only
Are you speaking for yourself or are you speaking of a candidate, because I find great offense at Christians only. Part of this country was founded by Quakers and Jews. I know Quakers fall under the Christianity domain, but I am confident you are not speaking of them. Many Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus have made remarkable contributions to our country. You must be out if your mind if you think that Christians are the only ones who matter. That statement alone has you headed straight for hell.
Johnson is not perfect but the big things that are freaking out typical republicans needs to be calmed. Johnson will not be a dictator and will still have congress to deal with. At least Johnson would work to defund the federal government. If we could get planned parenthood defunded that would save more babies than any law!
Unfortunately, if Trump gets to the WH and retains the Republican congress they will just give Trump a free pass.
Castle is not who he has been portraying himself to be. There are major issues. Not to mention his “followers” act like Trumpkins when you question any posts. Also, Castle isn’t on the ballot in all 50 states. That doesn’t help the whole country’s situation.
A nice and informative article, but I can’t find anything that validates that Trump has this.
Ever listen to him? He,has it!!!
If everyone decides not to vote or not to vote for Hillary Trump is sure to be the next president.
We only have three choices Hillary!, Trump, not to vote and the chips fall where may…
And you are an idiot. Enough said.
When you ask “what has Trump ever done for anyone besides himself?” How do you know what he has or has not done for anyone?
I was trying to find charitable donations that he himself has made and came up short. His company has made donations, but companies get tax breaks and sometimes other perks for doing so, so it’s hard to count that.
You are an articulate woman but I would ask you to do the same with Hilary that you did with Donald. When you see the strengths and weaknesses side by side, you may have a different take on which one to vote for. I have no doubt that Mr. Trump has many faults but I also have no doubt that he loves America and wants what is best for our country. I know as a businessman he has to make split decisions but knows enough to bring the best to do the job he needs done. He is not perfect, are any of us, but he does try to do what ” we the people’ have been saying for many years. He will bring about change but it will be for us, not others who are trying to change US of A. Just my thoughts on yours.
They both are just about equal to me and that’s why I made it very clear I will not be voting for either of them.
Who ever is president this country is f………
Then if Trump does win, I hope he has a really horrible time. I’d love to see him sitting there behind the desk thinking “What the hell was I thinking!!!”
I find some things that the article did not express that is important. Empathy seems to develop around 3-4 year. If not loved and respected as a individual important person but needs to act and please the adult parent the personality or the identity becomes splitted. Therefor the real identity becomes less expressed and is challow and confused. The emotions and the actions becoms splitted or onlogical. Emotions is in fact logic if a person has good boundaries and identity. A narcissist is trapped and wounded as an identity and seeks constant comfort. A narcissistic trait is pritty common but a narcissistic personality is less so. To get better there is need to get a good psychologist and a deap work to explore emotions,boundaries and definitions of words and actions of integrity. The person is usally unaware and it is hard to explain words like empathy becuase if you strip away responsibility to take action then it is just words and they like to play with words and change their appinion of people like a liking to a brand name. If the person did something outside the brand of liking it calls for a long discussion of disliking.
The key is that empathy is not a word. It is responsability to take action. Then you can call out the narcissist.
This is my experience and what I have read in the medical fields.
I also think that many are weird in expressing words like: democracy,healthy and equal. I think we need more caring and less division.
I like Bernie. He makes sense.
“You would already know by the first time you heard Trump speak —”
Like many Democrats are doing, they are resorting to empty attacks and insults. “…[P]sychologists have been warning people…” Which psychologists? And have any of them diagnosed Mr. Trump or are they just making pronouncements in order to gain a bit of press time?
I’m not even a Trump supporter, but I would like to see a few articles on why he would actually be such a terrible president, based on what is DIFFERENT about him (compared to others). I doubt that he’s any more or less full of himself than Mr. or Mrs. Clinton, or Mr. Obama, or Mr. Bush (or his sons), or Mr. McCain, or Mr. Romney. Since we’re being urged to vote on feelings instead of actual policies and platforms, Dr. Ron Paul remains the only person who’s run for president in the past 20 years who doesn’t appear to be full of himself.
Generally speaking, it takes a real narcissist in the first place to mouth the words “I would be the best choice for President”. Implying that only Mr. Trump fits that bill is laughable.
While I completely agree that Trump is unfit for presidency / any elected office at all, this article is extremely offensive and ableist towards people with personality disorders. People with personality disorders are some of the most stigmatized and mistreated individuals, including by their own therapists, and perpetuating this stigma is extremely harmful. Bigotry, hatred, sexism, racism, and everything else Trump preaches =/= a mental illness. Often people who are abusive are mislabeled as having a personality disorder, which paints a picture of these people being manipulative, terrible, unfit for society… In reality, people with personality disorders often work hard in therapy to fit into society and yet are subjected to unfair labels.
Plus… “Emotions control the logic of a person with a personality disorder.” No. Emotions control the logic of a person who is illogical, whether mentally ill or not.
By publishing this article, you are acting very similarly to Trump himself. Let’s take down Trump without stooping to his level.
I do not hate Trump, and I am not equating his racism, etc…to NPD. I’m simply pointing out the many symptoms of NPD that Trump readily displays and why they should be red flags as someone running as commander-in-chief. My personal feelings towards those with NPD is that I wish there was a treatment for it–but there is not currently. I care for and have interacted with quite a few people who have been formally diagnosed with it, as well as having researched it extensively over the years and that is why the likely possibility that we might be trying to elect a leader who has NPD is important to point out. And to your last point, yes, emotions do take over the decision-making (logic) portion of the brain.
Why are people sympathetic towards Trump when confirming a fact, which we have already observed. The things which define the qualifications for commander-in-chief are extremely important, and the standards are very high. Similarly, qualifications for a mechanic with/without NPD are important and different for a teacher. We have witnessed some damage as a result of this already, mainly division and hatred. I would like to point out also that some commenting are grouping all Democrats together as one and the same, like all whites, all blacks, etc, and that they are resonating the same thing. That is not true and wrong. In addition, Trump has not demonstrated any, nor proven any of the skills needed for President of the United States – not during his campaign nor career. He does not know the constitution.
OK: give the warning she’s trying to give in terms that are acceptable to you.
I find some things that the article did not express that is important. Empathy seems to develop around age 3-4. If a human been is not loved and respected as a individual important person by caretakers, it results in needs to act and please the caretaker the personality or the identity becomes splitted. Therefore the real identity becomes less expressed and is challow and confused. The emotions and the actions becoms splitted or onlogical. Emotions is in fact logic if a person has good boundaries and identity. A narcissist is trapped and wounded as an identity and seeks constant comfort. An narcissistic trait is pretty common but a narcissistic personality is less so. To get better there is need to get a good psychologist and a deap work to explore emotions,boundaries and definitions of words and actions of integrity. The person is usally unaware and it is hard to explain words like empathy becuase if you strip away responsibility to take action then it is just words and they like to play with words and change their appinion of people like a liking to a brand name. If the person did something outside the brand of liking it calls for a long discussion of disliking.
The key is that empathy is not a word. It is responsability to take action. Then you can call out the narcissist.
This is my experience and what I have read in the medical fields.
I also think that many are weird in expressing words like: democracy,healthy and equal. I think we need more caring and less division.
I like Bernie. He makes sense.
I am sorry you experienced this in your life. I fill a no vote is a vote for Trump. We cannot let him in the White House.
You are absolutely out of your mind. A no vote is a vote for Hillary. Obviously she’s who YOU want. Get your head out of your @ss and wake up to what’s going on around you.
I can see that this woman has not listened to Trump but is only echoing the voices of the democratic party. I wouldn’t put much credence on what she has to write. Do your research yourself and don’t listen to people who want to sway your vote based on lie upon lie. There are some things I do not like about Trump, but I truly believe he loves our country and I truly believe he is interested in the people of our country. I have heard numerous stories of how Trump has helped people, pain off mortgages for their act of kindness and found jobs for the unemployed. One thing I do know is that Trump will surround himself with competent people who love this country. If you want more of what has happened in the past 8 years then be lazy and don’t do your research. If you want a country you can once again be proud of and a country that upholds it laws research Trump. I can tell you this – Hilary Clinton is a liar and Bill Clinton is the one that got this country into the mess it was in 8 years ago – it wasn’t Bush! Do your research to see just who is responsible for the economy down fall and look what Obama’s 8 years has done to help us!
Sorry for you. Donald Trump is a great man and will be doing amazing things to help the
Amerian people. Sorry you are not a true Republican.
I’m not sure where you get the opinion that Gary Johnson is pro life. “I support a woman’s right to choose up until the viability of the fetus. I’ve supported the notion of parental notification. I’ve supported counseling and I’ve supported the notion that public funds not be used for abortion. But I don’t want for a second to pretend that I have a better idea of how a woman should choose when it comes to this situation. FUNDAMENTALLY THIS IS A CHOICE THAT A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE.” – Gary Johnson, Rolling Stone Magazine, 2011. That is NOT pro life.
I did not say he was pro-life. What I said was, “…if I am going by my “whole life, pro-life” definition, the most pro-life candidate (looking at all policies) [of the three top candidates], is Gary Johnson.”
I feel sorry for Sharon Kiswell and some others commenting here. I can see that blatant facts elude people and they’ve become bitter and blind. I myself, have experienced the last 8, 16, 24, and 36 years here. I’m a white Christian, ex-Republican, literate and legitimate. Everything you say about Trump is obvious, but apparently not to a lot of people. For some reason they cannot see Trump does not represent democracy. I’m also horrified watching the election and hearing Trump speak then witnessing people turn vicious. I question Trump’s racist views (fears) etc. as borderline psychotic. This election has become contentious. I see fear spreading like an epidemic, and American people acting irrationally. I can only pray this will pass before the average American who owns a gun starts using it for what its made for, and Trump leading us to destruction, just like many other countries right now.
Don’t believe most of what you read online and see in the media. Donald Trump is the absolute best person to be our next president. All of the negative talk by the author of this article does not have any facts to base her negativity on. I’ve heard everything from he is a racist , woman hater, bad business man, etc…. All of which are overblown and false. If you vote for anybody other than Donald Trump you are voting for Hillary.
I always like commentary coming from someone who only thinks with her vagina. God forbid any of the other issues Trump speaks about, like national security, job creation, exposing corruption should get in the way of your irresponsible decision at birth control. To hell with those 3200 babies killed every day as long as I get my way !
Yeah, Donald has SO messed his poor children.
Thank you for this eloquently written post…you have given me HOPE!
I’m going to speak my mind and make it short. Ask him these questions yourself! You sound like the crazy Yankee lady who tried to tell me what “I wanted to order” in a Popeyes drive thru years ago! Yeah I pull up and start to tell her what I wanted and she interrupted me and started telling me what I should eat. Don’t sit there and tell anyone what you think a person is going to do before they do it! Fact is he doesn’t need your vote to win. Your not Republican if only one thing is stopping you to vote with your party! That’s a Democrat all the way. That’s Democracy! Your never going to get everything you want out of a candidate but you need to vote to get the most. So tell me Hillary or anyone else is going to get you more of what you want? Seriously I prefer you to vote but with your logic of one reason you can’t I’m not so sure. Pray on it and I wish you the best.
I think Anna should read Wayne Grudem’s very cogent and biblical response in favor of voting for Trump. I’m not sure she has thought through all the issues and implications as carefully as she needs to. Here is the link: